What Is C Language And How To Learn?

There are a lot of questions in the mind of the C language and how C learned it. If you want to become a great software engineer, then the most important thing that happens to them is coding. Because in technical interviews, you can also ask to write code with their experts theory question.

In such a situation, if you do not have the proper knowledge of programming, then you do not move forward in these interviews. By the way, these interviews are often asked questions in basic programming language such as C, C ++.

Now the question arises, do you know what is C language? Before learning any language, why are you advised to learn C programming? How is it learned? If all these questions arise in your mind, then this article for you today is going to be very informative about how C Programming Language is learned.

Many people, especially students, asked us to write about programming languages, as a result of which today I thought why it should be started from C language in Hindi, because all programming languages ​​are considered as parents. If you do not even know about it, and you also want to know that, despite the introduction of other modern programming languages, why should we learn how to create a program in C language, then read this article till the end. Then, instead of taking your patience and taking the exam, let's start it and know about the basics of C programming.

What is C language (What is C Programming Language in English)

What Is C Language And How To Learn
What Is C Language And How To Learn

C is a processural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie from 1969 to 1973 This was primarily developed on the basis of a system programming language, to write the operating system programs. The main features of C language are: - having low-level access to memory, using simple set of keywords, having a clean style, these features make the C language suitable for system programming like operating system or compiler development. .

Many later languages ​​have taken many syntax / features from the C language, either directly or indirectly. Such as syntax of Java, PHP, JavaScript and other languages ​​are based only on all C languages. You can call C ++ as a superset of C language. There are some programs that compile in C but not in C ++.

What are the reasons that C language is used according to a professional language
Let us know about the reasons for which the C language is used according to a professional language.

  • It is very easy to learn because of being a very basic language.
  • This language is very structured.
  • It can be used to write very efficient programs.
  • It can easily handle very low-level activities.
  • Also it can be compiled in many computer platforms.

What is the first book based on C programming?

In 1978, C Programming's first book, "The C Programming Language", was published. In the first edition of the Book, programmers were provided information about Landuage's informal specification. It is written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, in the name of "K & R" between the C programmers that made this book very popular.

What are the features of C Programming Language?

Well there are many features of C Programming Language but here we are going to discuss some important features.

This is a Procedural Language

In procedural languages ​​like C, a list of predefined instructions is followed by step by step. In a typical C program, one or more procedures (called functions) are used to perform a task.

If you are new to programming, then you must be thinking that this is the only way all the programming languages ​​work. But there is no such thing as there are also other programming paradigms. A similarly used paradigm is Object-oriented programming (OOP) which allows developers to create objects so that they can solve a given task.

C Programs are very fast

New languages ​​such as Python and Java offer more features (such as garbage collection, dynamic typing) compared to C programming. But performance decreases due to additional processing.

C language allows programmers to do direct manipulation in Computer Hardware. This is not possible in most high-level programming languages. Therefore C is considered a better choice for learning programming.

Standard C programs are very portable

They have a tag line that is "Write once, compile everywhere". Standard C programs are very portable, this means programs that have been written in a system (for example, Windows 7) can be compiled in any other system (Mac OS) without making any changes. .

Modularity used

Whether you want to store the sections of C code in the form of libraries, for future use. This concept is called modularity.

C itself can work very little in itself. To say, the real power of the C language comes from its stored libraries. There are many standard libraries in C language to solve common problems. Suppose that you have to display something in the screen, then you can include it in your program for "stdio.h" library which allows you to use the printf () function.

Statically Typed Language

C is a statically typed language. This means that the type of variable is checked in Compile time, not in Run Time. The biggest fayadera that happens is that during the error detectection software development cycle it happens only. Together statically typed languages ​​are very fast than dynamically typed language in general if we talk then

In many general purposes

Assume that C is very old language, but C is used in many applications, whether it is system programming or photo editing software. Let's know about some applications where C programming is used:

  • Embedded Systems
  • Operating System - Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, iOS
  • Databases - PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server
  • Other Uses - In Network Drivers, Compilers, Print spoolers

Some Interesting Facts About C Language

1. C was invented to write an operating system whose name is UNIX.

2. C language successor is B language which was introduced in the early 1970s

3. This language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) J.

4. UNIX OS is written in C completely.

5. At present, C is the most popular and highly used System Programming Language.

6. Most of all state-of-the-art software has been implemented in C itself.

7. Most popular Linux OS and RDBMS MySQL are also written in C.

Basics of C Programming in English

If you want to learn any language only then you will have to understand the language for which you can get help from online sources such as Websites, Blogs or Onlines Courses. You can use the Books or Tuturial Classes in the Offline Sources Can take help. Here you will find a playlist of YouTube, here you have complete information about how to create software from C language.

Whether you read from anywhere but remember that unless you manually run those programms in your system and do not write new programs again and again, there is no money left for you to read. For this, you have to type those programms and practice again and then you can learn C language correctly.

Why C language is used?

Many times you may have even come to understand why the C language is still used even when thousands of types of books are marketed in the market. Your thinking is justified, but there is some reason behind this that due to which C language is still used.

C was initially used for the work of system development, primarily used to write Operating System Programs. That's because C programming is much more efficient than others. This is the reason that more than 40 years old language is still being used.

Another reason is standard C programs are very portable. This source code, which is written in one operating system, can be compiled or run in another operating system without any changes.

Another reason is that it is a very good language that is a great language to learn programming. That's because if you know C programming then you will understand how these programs work, together with you can also create a mental picture of how a computer works.

C is used more according to the system development language, because it produces code that runs so fast that the fast assembly language runs. Therefore C is used in many places such as -

  • Operating Systems
  • Language Compilers
  • Assemblers
  • Text editors
  • Print Spoolers
  • Network Drivers
  • Modern Programs
  • Databases
  • Language Interpreters
  • Utilities


I hope you have what this article is about C language and how I learned C language. My always efforts are to keep readers informed about C language in English, so that they do not need to find any other sites or internet in the context of that article. This will also save their time and will get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article in your mind or you want some improvement in it then you can write down comments for it. If you liked this article C Programming Language in Hindi or got some learning, please share this post on Social Networks such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

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