What Is Wordpress 5.0 And Gutenberg Editor?

Do you know what is WordPress 5.0 and what is Gutenberg Editor What new changes have been made in this new version of WP? Its a simple answer to this that WordPress 5.0 is a version of WordPress. If you do not know about WordPress then let me tell you that this WordPress is one of the best CMS (Content Management System) in the world, which gives bloggers a user-friendly interface to write their articles. . With this help, you can easily create the very best and absolutely professional visual website without any developer. There are many plugins in it that you can use as apps, along with themes, so that you can provide a great look to the site.

By the way, WordPress was released its new versions from time to time, all the users are very eager to get it, and in this case, this new version 5.0 has really made a lot of televisions with many new features. The biggest feature which is in it, is that it uses a new block-based editor called Gutenberg.

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Now you might be thinking that what is Gutenberg in the end? Then the answer is Gutenberg is a complete redesign and re-imagination is WordPress editor's. This new version comes with WordPress 5.0 - Then the default way of creating the content of people is changed in it completely. Well, so many major updates are rarely seen, but sometimes when big and popular platforms have to walk with the market trend otherwise it is not a long time when somebody else grab them. In this section Gutenberg editor is such a huge change. Often people have not got much information in this new update, so today I thought why not let people know about what WordPress 5.0 and what new features have been added in it. Then let's begin without delay.

WordPress 5.0: A Very Large Update

What Is Wordpress 5.0 And Gutenberg Editor?

If you have been using WordPress for a while, then you must have seen that a lot of changes have been made in this platform over time. By the way, there are many significant shifts seen in the platform due to individual updates. For example, 4.9 'Tipton' update has enabled users to schedule design changes in the WordPress Customizer, in which they can also go live in the later way, such as post drafts.

Many widget updates have been brought in WordPress 4.8. For example, if I talked earlier, if you wanted images in your widgets, then you had to manually add them. Right now, three dedicated media widgets are available for image, audio, and video files.

The second one is the update of 4.8 that is an option to check it on your on nearby WordPress events, only from your dashboard, this can be very useful if you want to increase your network further.
By the way, so far I have told you about the updates that are the best updates but they are not completely game-changing. Most of the updates are small, but due to such huge updates in WordPress 5.0, a new environment has already been prepared.

WordPress 5.0: What you will see in this new

Many interesting improvements have been brought in WordPress 5.0, which we now know about: -

1. The focus of this platform is to create an intuitive site-building experience. WordPress has now fitted it into its much more focused site building. Its site building functionality has been significantly improved. The main purpose of their core team is to hold the market share compared to the second hosted website builders.

2. Some improvements to the WordPress Reset API. These WordPress Rest API developers help create more feature-rich products, so that easily your data can be dragged and pulled from your websites. With this update, developers can easily create the application, for which they can use the platform as a framework. .

3. Building custom themes has become easier now. If we talk about earlier then you need at least a simple development background to save a WordPress theme together. But now with the arrival of Gutenberg, theme creation is going to be very easy, as well as more accessible, for this, we can use blocks.

4. Page builder plugins can a little lose your relevance. By the way, many great fantastic page-builder tools you can use in WordPress. Although Gutenberg could not match them at the beginning, but later it is going to be much better than them, in the long run.

What Is Gutenberg Editor

What Is Wordpress 5.0 And Gutenberg Editor?

Speaking of Gutenberg, it's the default editor of WordPress. This has been specially developed in WordPress Core version 5.0. Its main goal is to make these Wordpress writing experience more profitable.

With the launch of the new Gutenberg, it offers a new expereience to many users. Users get to see a new editing experience in which you have to already be aquainted with these new editing experiences. This is the first time that Block-based editor (Gutenberg) has been brought into WordPress 5.0.

Note If you are having trouble using the Gutenberg Editor, you want to use the old editor, then you can do this, for that you have to install by official Classic Editor plugin

If you want to know more about Gutenberg then you can read the Gutenberg handbook Introduction to it yourself.

How To Update WordPress 5.0

After officially releasing WordPress 5.0, this new update will start appearing in your WordPress Admin Dashboard. If you have not updated, then you may be looking for it. In such a situation, who would not want to update the new WordPress and take advantage of new features. Updating WordPress 5.0 is a very easy task.

For this, just have to click Update Icon or you can also click on Dashboard >> Update. Then click on the Update Now button. By doing so, your site will start updating.

Note As long as your site is updating, it is in maintenance mode, your site will be shut down for a while. So there is no reason to panic. As soon as your update is complete, your site will be normal again. Congratulations, you will now be using the new version 5.0.

Gutenberg is going to affect other themes and plugins too?

Along with the new editing experience, Gutenberg is also making a lot of changes to Themes and Plugins. You may have seen also that many of the Gutenberg-friendly themes are now Mehjood on the internet, they have been specially designed to take advantage of all the new features of editor.

Gutenberg has its own default theme, Twenty Nineteen, which is designed with the primary focus. You can still see quite a change in your favourite plugins, how they are interacting with wordpress editor. Apart from this, Mehjuda plugins and themes will have to be compatible with the new version otherwise the days are not far when the users will start leaving them and using new ones.


I hope you have liked what this article is about WordPress 5.0. This is always my endeavor to give the full information about the readers about Gutenberg Editor so that they do not need to find any other sites or internet in that context. This will also save their time and will get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article in your mind or you want some improvement in it then you can write down comments for it. If you liked this article in WordPress 5.0 or liked in English, please share this post on Social Networks such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

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